Thursday, June 23, 2011

BetterAid Announces Busan HLF4 CSO Participants

A global call to be accredited as a Civil Society Organization (CSO) participant at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) was made on April 8 via the BetterAid and Open Forum websites.
700 emails and more than 600 applications were submitted to the BetterAid secretariat. Networks and organizations represented in the BetterAid and Open Forum steering groups worked together in regional caucuses to lead the selection process for CSOs wanting to represent the region.

Now the Global Selection and Oversight Committee is pleased to announce regional lists of those CSOs who will be recommended to the OECD Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF) Core Group for accreditation.

Altogether 270 participants were selected plus a ten percent alternates/reserves list in case a person originally selected is unable to fulfill the requirements of active preparation or is unable to travel to Busan.
A letter from the Global CSO Selection and Oversight Committee provides more details on the selection process.

 See the list of selected participants and CSOs below:
-        Africa (Sub Saharan) -        Asia (including Pacific)
-        Latin America
-        Middle East and North Africa
-        Europe (including non EU member states and North America): this list is still being finalized.
-        Global CSOs (International CSOs, international networks etc…)

The Korean CSOs have their own selection process and are aiming at 30 participants.
The lists of reserve participants and CSOs is still being finalized and will be released imminently.

Lists of funded participants
The lists for those who will be funded will start with a list of 100 Southern CSOs that the Selection and Oversight Committee will submit to the OECD Trust Fund managed by Asian Development Bank, to be released imminently. A second list will be announced in mid July when the Committee has confirmed the first commitments from international donor agencies.

A third list will be announced in September.
Please contact if you have any questions for the Global CSO Selection and Oversight Committee regarding the selection process.

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